Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Malaysia: Kota Kinabalu to Brunei by land and sea

After a simple get together with fellow Pinoys in Ate Josie's House, I talked to some of them. Three were leaving for Brunei early morning. I asked what airline were they flying. They told me they would take by land. Sounded interesting, I asked how many hours. They told me it was about 6 hours. Since I had no concrete plans I said I would go with them. We barely had no sleep since the Van that would take us to a Ferry in Menumbok Port arrived at 3 am. In 20 minutes we left. I seated in front and wore the seat belt. I kept on talking with the driver so he would not feel sleepy even though I was so tired from jetlag and no sleep.  I could see the driver speeding off at 120-140 kph.The driver was very friendly. He would tell me which places have we gone already. When the sun was about to rise, I asked the driver if he could stop a nearby Catholic Church just to say a little prayer since it was Christmas day. It was a small chapel with a cross. It was still closed. Fortunately there was a man who arrived and I asked if I could enter. I went inside while my fellow passengers were sleeping inside the van. After 5 minutes I went out and we speed off again.

This is the small boat that would take us to Labuan.

The fellow Pinoys I met in KK who were trying their luck in Brunei

In Labuan, we took breakfast. I tried Nasi Goreng..Had no time to take pictures already as I was very tired and sleepy and had to take another ferry to Brunei.

In the one hour trip, I managed to sleep a few minutes. It was about 11 in the morning when we arrived Brunei. My contact in Brunei arrived in about 30 minutes.

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